Hi, Friend
I’m Sam, and I’m thrilled that you’re here!
Writing these about pages is not really my thing. I mean … it’s one thing to write about what I’m doing around my house or with my kids. But my history? You don’t want to hear about that right? I suppose I’ll start with the standard: I was born and raised in a small town near the beach in Florida. The water is my inspiration for so much. In fact, if I could have vacation homes all over the country, I would probably choose only beach-based locales!
Blogging came to me as you would probably expect. When I started staying home with my oldest son, I was able to stretch my creativity muscle. There was so much time to craft, sew, cook, and garden! Because we were living away from family, I thought a blog would be a fun way to share my house and projects with everyone. Pretty soon, more than just family and friends were reading, and this became a great release for me.
Now with two boys, thriving businesses, and an amazing new home, I don’t have nearly as much time to write as I’d like. However, it is my goal to share with you more. There are so many thoughts and ideas running around in my head that need to get out!
I genuinely love getting to write about how I strive to live beautifully – and creatively – in my home. It’s not always perfect or pretty, but I hope that my experiences (both the successes and failures) can help inspire you to bring love, laughter, and inspiration into your own home. Please enjoy reading about my escapades in “life-styling!”

I’d love to hear from you!
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