This Fall is our first time celebrating my FAVORITE season in our very own home! Needless to say, I had a blast this past week making little ‘Autumn’ vignettes all over our house. {And I don’t feel so bad about celebrating early because my sister-in-law is also breaking out her decorations}.
Little by little I’ll be revealing our decor so I don’t completely give it all away before Fall even begins! I also want to let everyone know that I’ll be participating in the Harvest Tour of Homes – hosted by Stringtown Home!! *woop woop* So, keep an eye out on September 24 for a full photo tour of my fall decor, and be sure to check out Stringtown Home that week for a whole list of participating blogs!
I think it’s only proper to start revealing my Autumn decor with the entrance to our home. We have a credenza {that I found on Craigslist for like $20} by the front door that usually just holds piles of mail. Please tell me we aren’t the only ones with this problem…pretty please? But, I have had enough of the clutter and created a nice simple table-scape for the season.
By using what I had and shopping sales + using coupons, this centerpiece cost me approximately $10.
I already had the mason jar & the twigs. While I was at Michael’s I picked up some fun sparkly items in the Christmas section. They really bring some depth and character to what would otherwise be just a bunch of sticks in a jar.
These floating candle vases were on clearance for something like $1.50. At first I wasn’t sure what I would do with them, but how do you pass up that kind of a deal? Oh wait…you don’t! The vase to the left is simply filled with some dried split peas that I had in my pantry. The diamonds in the bottom of the other vase came packaged together as vase-fillers in the fall decor section at Michael’s. They were a bit pricey, but with coupons I got them almost 50% off!
I already had the candles on hand which really bring this whole setting to life. The glow is gorgeous, especially around dusk! It’s so hard to see in these pictures, but the candlelight reflects beautifully off the gold under the vases. By-the-way, the gold and lace that brings the whole thing together is actually just scrapbook paper!
Aaaand…probably my favorite part of this whole thing is the painted ‘Autumn’ sign. Even the husband goes on about it, so you know it has to be awesome. I simply painted the piece of wood with a metallic brown craft paint, used my Silhouette Cameo to cut out the ‘Autumn’ and then painted over it with orange craft paint. It’s hard to see in this photo, but when the candles are lit the metallic paint really comes to life. It’s beautiful.
Since I took all of these photos, I have added a glass pumpkin full of candy corn…*yum*!
I really hope you enjoyed this easy and affordable Fall tablescape, and maybe it’ll bring you a bit of inspiration.
Keep your eye out all month for some more great Fall-inspired decor!
I agree! We should remember September 11! Also, love your Autumn sign! Would love if you’d join our Countdown to Fall link party! Hope to see you there! Have a great week! :)