The key to ridding your pillow cases of grime is to remove the grease that accumulates from hair and skin. None of the store-bough or homemade laundry soap I’ve used seem to have the strength to do this! Plus, I always use cold water when doing laundry … bad idea.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
HOT Water
Oxi Clean
White Vinegar
Laundry Soap
Powdered Dish Soap
I recommend washing all of your pillow cases in one load separate from everything else.
First, you’ll need to make sure the water is hot, hot, hot! Our water gets incredibly hot, but if yours doesn’t you might want to boil a pot of water on the stove and add it to the hot water from the washing machine.
Add (approximately) 1 Tbsp Homemade Laundry Soap, 1/4 C Powdered Dish Soap, 1/4 C White Vinegar, and 2 Tbsp Oxi Clean to the water. These are the approximate measurements I used for a small load. If you add more water you’ll want to add more ingredients. Of course I’m not really one for measurements, so I just kind of dump everything in.
Let the pillow cases run through a wash/rinse cycle and then dry them! That’s all we had to do, but if you still find yours a bit grimy you might want to run them through another wash cycle, or try to heat your water more.
Do this whenever you feel like your pillow cases are getting ucky, and restore them to fresh and clean again!
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