I’m so glad that the DIY Febreze went over so well last week…and since it did I want to share with you my new homemade surface cleaner. I have become increasingly frustrated with the rising cost of “green” cleaning products. As a mother of a toddler, I find it extremely important to have safe products around my house. In order to fulfill this need in an affordable fashion I have decided to make my own cleaning products and I am very satisfied with the outcome. I hope you can use this surface cleaner in your home as well, and can feel safe about having it around your children.
What You’ll Need:
32 oz. Spray Bottle {I used an old cleaning bottle}
White Vinegar
Dr. Bronner’s Liquid Castile Soap
Tea Tree Essential Oil
*Optional: Essential Oil of your choice
Bear with me, for I don’t usually use specific measurements when making my cleaning products.
Pour approximately 1/4 – 1/2 C. white vinegar into your spray bottle.
White distilled vinegar is a popular household cleanser, effective for killing most mold, bacteria, and germs, due to its level of acidity. Cleaning with white distilled vinegar is a smart way to avoid using harsh chemicals. You’ll also be glad to know that it is environmentally friendly and very economical. – Vinegar Tips
Mix in a good ‘glug’ of castile soap {usually one thorough squeeze of the bottle}. I prefer to use Dr. Bronner’s Unscented Baby-Mild Pure Castile Soap.
Castile means that it’s made from 100 percent plant oils {no animal products like tallow, which show up in most commercial soaps}. It’s also a true soap, not a chemical detergent, making castile soap completely biodegradable and very Earth-friendly. – mnn.com
The tea tree essential oil is imperative to use in this cleaning product. I add at least 20 – 25 drops of oil.
Tea Tree Oil…is commonly referred to as the “Universal Antiseptic.” It is also well tolerated, having no known allergic reactions. The antiseptic, germicidal, anti-fungal, antibacterial immune-boosting qualities of Tea Tree oil…allow its use as a natural cleaner and disinfectant within the household environment. – Natural Healthy Home Cleaning Tips
For the summertime, I have been using grapefruit essential oil {between 10 & 15 drops} to add some yummy scent to my cleaning products. It masks most of the vinegar scent, and some of the tea tree aroma. As a plus, it also has antiseptic and antibacterial properties {according to livestrong.com}. Feel free to add any scent you prefer, or none at all.
Fill the remainder of your spray bottle with water, shake, and get cleaning!
I call this a surface cleaner, but I really use it as an all-purpose cleaner {for things like glass, mirrors, counter-tops, bathroom fixtures, etc}. I’ve even been known to use it on my wet Swiffer pads when they’ve dried out! It’s really great on everything.
[…] (which is safer than plastic and will last longer), there are two of them (so I can use one for my diy household cleaner), and they’re cute (don’t deny that this is an important […]