So sorry this is getting posted late ladies & gents! It’s been a busy week and it’s looking to be a busy day coming up! Today is very special. About this time 3 years ago I was in the hospital holding my new bundle of joy for the first time! That’s right…today is my little man’s 3rd birthday! I cannot believe how big he’s gotten in just three years…the time really does fly by. I won’t bombard you with details or a photo play-by-play, but I do want to share some of my favorite little guy pictures with you.
OK, now that I’ve gotten my fix until he wakes for the day, I have a new blog feature I want to share with you. Since it is the new year, and I’m sure all of us pretty much have vowed to either lose weight or get healthier {me included}…I am starting Fitspo Friday. You might have noticed that I usually post recipes on Friday, and don’t worry I still will share my favorite recipes with you, but I thought this would be a better way to encourage myself to get back on the weight-loss train.
It has been a long-time coming that I’ve been wanting to get back to my pre-baby weight {3 years to be exact}. But, I have a wedding to attend this summer, and I’m determined to have shed at least a few of these pounds. So, I haven’t completely figured out what Fitspo Friday will entail every week. Probably some healthy recipes, exercise tips & tricks, maybe even some inspirational quotes or photos. But regardless, I hope it can be an inspiration for all of us who need it!
*To see the full Skinny Jean Workout, visit my Tumblr or click on the image below.
Great Idea!