I have been a bad blogger. *head hung low*
I must apologize to all of you wonderful followers {if you’re still reading} for my lack of posts recently. Life has been so crazy for my family lately. As you might recall, the husband works at a large church in our area, and as you could imagine, the Christmas season is their busy time of the year. Between that and all of our other holiday obligations, I have honestly been to busy to get a bunch of projects and posts out. It’s my own fault that I didn’t plan ahead and get posts done beforehand. I suppose that’s what happens a lot during the first holiday blogging season. I am working on a few new Christmas projects for you all, and have a few recipes up my sleeve.
Currently, I am also looking for a few guest-bloggers to help me out. If you have an amazing holiday project or recipe to share, please e-mail me sam {at} atkinsondrive {dot} com!
I love all of you who are still with me, and I promise to be a better blogger!!! :-)
You are doing a great job. I’m so
proud of you.
Nothing to apologize for. :) Life happens outside of the computer!