There were so many beautiful projects and delicious-looking recipes linked to the Pinworthy Projects Party this week. I had such a hard time choosing my favorites, so I decided to share with you my favorite Mother’s Day Treat ideas! It’s coming up quickly, and these are a few recipes and ideas you can whip up to honor Mom. She’ll love it – I know I would!
Go check out my Pinworthy Projects board for more recipes and DIY ideas!
Cinnamon Chip Scones | Tastes of Lizzy T
Blueberry Buttermilk Coffee Cake | Your Homebased Mom
Rustic Mother’s Day Brunch | I Should be Mopping the Floor
Individual Lemon Curd Monkey Bread | Pint Sized Baker
Iced Caramel Macchiato | The Grant Life
If you were featured, feel free to grab a button. And don’t forget to join the party every Friday at 10 am EST!
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