May people have neglected to realize the cost savings of using cloth wipes as opposed to disposables. Just as with the cloth diapers, I had to find out for myself how much money I was saving by going the cloth wipe route. These per wipe prices are based on the costs at a big-box store {such as Sam’s Club}, so I would recommend you visit your favorite store to figure out how much money you will be saving by using cloth wipes.
Late to the cloth diapering party? Check out my cost analysis between using cloth diapers vs. disposables here!
Cloth vs Disposable Wipes
*Assuming 2 wipes per change for disposables*
*Assuming 1.5 wipes per change for cloth*
*Assuming a cloth stash of 30 wipes*
*Assuming 10 changes per day*
*Assuming 2.5 years in diapers*
Average Cost for Disposables $365.00
Average Cost for Cloth $34.80
Cost Difference $330.20
If you choose to purchase or make your cloth wipe solution then there will be some added costs to this total. I have found that if you are using cloth diapers, it just makes sense {environmentally and monetarily} to use cloth wipes as well: you will use fewer cloth wipes per change, and you can choose what ingredients you use to “wet” the wipes.
Here’s my cloth wipe solution recipe:
{Originally I purchased Thirsties wipe solution, so I use that bottle when I make my own}
– 1 Squirt of Johnson’s Night Time Body Wash {Lavender}
– 1 Small Pour of Baby Oil
– Water to Fill the Bottle
Shake and spray! It’s so easy and affordable.
So many people fail to realize the amount of money they spend on disposable wipes, because the per-box cost is relatively low {especially in comparison to disposable diaper costs}. But, as you can see the savings can be significant if you choose to use cloth wipes.
Check back next Totally Tots Thursday to get my Cloth Diaper 101!
{Feature Image Source: Poopsie Doodles}
mom gave me a recipie for home made disposible wipe. cut a roll of paper towels in half…that is the size of the plastic container i had. take out the center cardboard tube and put the paper towels into the plastic containter. make a mixture of a gentle soap…i used babywash but it calls for dish detergent…added to water and pour over the paper towels. let it soak in and then pull from the center and you have home made disposible wipes. I like them and they were cheaper than baby wipes. I had tobuy them for Matt becuse daycares would not take the home made ones. If you want I can dig out the exact recipie and let you know. janis
I buy packages of really cheap baby washcloths. I get a package of 4 for $1 at Walmart or the dollar store. These are very thin. I personally prefer thin wipes so that I can get in to all the nooks and crannies. These work well for us.