Last week’s Pinworthy Projects party was incredible, and I couldn’t wait to show off your amazing links! It was really tough to narrow down the features, but I kept finding myself coming back to the yummy Fall-inspired treats … I can’t help it – I’m a sucker for sweets!
*click on the images below to view the original posts*
Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake {Life with the Crust Cut Off}
Peanut Butter Snickerdoodle Sandwich Cookies {Turtles & Tails}
Autumn Cheesecake Dip {Mostly Homemade Mom}
Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes {We Do Fun Here}
Dark Chocolate Oreo Scones {The First Year Blog}
Check out some of my other favorite links on the Pinworthy Projects board!
If you were featured, feel free to grab a button!
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Wow! These all sound SO good…. I’m dreaming of pumpkin.