*Whew* I can’t believe I got to sleep in this morning! It was glorious! AND the hubs made me and little man pancakes. This morning couldn’t have been better. Now, I get to share with all of you lovely readers some of the cool stuff I’ve discovered on Pinterest! I have a feeling this is going to be a great day. Cuddling with my little guy, catching up on The Story, exercising, napping, and going to church with some great friends. So let’s get this day going with some features!
Most-Loved Atkinson Drive Post
DIY & Design
Pantry Storage Drawers {Pin Your Home}
Easy Tufted Headboard {Pneumatic Addict}
Kids Stuff
Recycling Dried-Out Markers {Finding My Marbles}
Food & Beverage
Better Baked Potato {Growing Up is Fun}
Super Soft Sugar Cookies {I Heart Naptime}
Style & Beauty
Color Booster for Brunettes {Whole Living}
If you were featured, feel free to grab a button!
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