I am skipping our usual Saturday School post today because my little man went to PRESCHOOL this week! I can’t believe he’s already off to preschool…it’s only 2 days a week in the mornings, but I still can’t believe it. I’m still at the point where I don’t know what to do with myself; he goes to school at 9, gets off at 1 and then naps at least until 4:30 so I’m really by myself all day!
Do any of you moms out there have some good tips on what to do with myself while little man is gone?!
Here are some Instagram pictures of his first week of Preschool…I hope you enjoy.
How adorbs?!? {Did I really just say adorbs? Preschool is making me crazy.}
We celebrated his first day with a dinner out to eat…he didn’t like Daddy’s singing.
To get out of the house, I blogged from our church’s cafe while little man was at school.
Beautiful Fall art by none other than my little guy…the perfect finishing touch for our mantel decor.
Heather says
It’s most difficult to let the first one grow up. But the ultimate goal is to raise an independent, moral, Godly young man. He’s well on his way to becoming that because his parents are showing him the way.