Happy Hump Day everyone! I am over-the-moon excited to share this amazing new product I found with you. You might remember that the husband and I got the new iPhone 5 when it came out. We had been waiting for years to upgrade from our iPhone 4, and I was thrilled that I could get a white phone! *woop woop*
However, when I finally got my phone, something I didn’t anticipate, was the lack of cute cases available. But, instead of jumping the gun and spending a proverbial “butt-load” on a case I didn’t love in the least, I decided to hold out for something I absolutely adored. You’ll be glad to know – I finally found it!
The husband and I were perusing Target the other day, and by random happenstance, my eye landed on this gorgeous cream & gold chevron phone case. I’m pretty sure I could hear angels singing! It was the only one they had in this design, and I snatched it up as fast as I could. When I got in the car, I had to snap an Instagram pic to document the momentous occasion. Then I decided to look up the website to see what other goodies they had. Lucky for me, Agent 18 has some amazing products!
Just this Fall, they released some of their iPhone 5 cases to sell in Target & Best Buy stores, but they are available in a number of other retail venues as well.
And don’t fear if you haven’t upgraded to the iPhone 5, they have cases for almost every other i-product out there! My current obsession? This amazing woodgrain case for the iPhone 4/4s…I can’t wait for it to come out for the 5 so I can get it for the hubs!
They also sell these cool privacy films, to keep your business from prying eyes. I LOVE this idea and hope it’s available for other phone models soon!
Since now I’m sure you’re officially as enamored with Agent 18 as I am, here’s one more thing to get you hooked…on the Agent 18 website, you can download wallpapers to match your case! I have the cream for my lock screen and the mint for my home screen. *awesome-sauce*
As you can see, I am thoroughly impressed with the selection at Agent 18. Their cases are stunning, and perfect for the creative. I’d even go as far as to say Agent18 products are some of the coolest stocking stuffers of the year! What do you guys think?
I love my Agent18 case (the turquoise flower vest) and am considering getting the one you just purchased. If I was silver and white I’d be ALL over it.