This is Day 2 of our 12 Days of Christmas Decorations series … check out all of the posts here.
Do you ever lose holiday decorations? I’m not really sure how, but every year something seems to wind up missing. Last year it was my tree skirt. The year before I had purchased a cheap tree skirt on clearance – just something that would get the job done. But I cannot find it anywhere … grr. Because of this, I’ve finally decided to go ahead and make one that I know I’ll love; and hopefully won’t lose. This tiered burlap Christmas tree skirt is the perfect thing to bring a pop of color and texture to my holiday decor!
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I love is! It’s looks so pretty. I’m not crafty but I sure would like to have one like this. So I might just try it. Glad I found you on the Party in Your Pj’s Pinterest . Pinned this!
You should! It’s really simple. And if you don’t want to deal with cutting the burlap, you could always use burlap ribbon!